Meeting minutes 5/14/13 at Don and Rita’s
Kevin Muskgrove
Joe and Carrie
Joe Red
Don and Rita
Minutes: Additions or deletions? No
Motion to approve: motion/ second
All approved: Motions in
Check 772.55
Pier savings: 1,239.11
Did have expenses: 121.88 reimburse
KD Gross: 3,783.33 Deposit
Application for pier permit $110
Collection: additiona $500.00
All exp. and collection are reflected above.
Pier issue:
We got a letter back from the county a week ago last Friday saying:
The permit application was reviewed, that this does not constitute a final decision rejecting your application, and that you can talk to county person if you do not understand the below mentioned requirements… All revision must be submitted for processing plus any comments-
For replacement in kind – request in advance needed. by DOE (application)
Community pier requires a 25-foot setback for community pier and 15-foot setback for residential piers.
Proposed work must meet guidelines, please make appropriate changes to your application and resubmit. If that it not possible, then you need to apply for a VARIANCE stating that, and asking for a VARIANCE, which we will need to do because we cannot meet the setback.
Furthermore, it is zoned as community pier in a residential community, and the proposed work therefore requires a special exemption. Please call zoning office for more info.
Another thing we have to do is show ladders and fire control on all drawings, which is something that we will have to add.
Don- I called David at Shoreline permits….I mailed him a copy of the letter. (he is the guy with KD Gross).
Then he sent me an email this morning saying that we should…meet with Joan Jenkins, apply for special exception and Variance, and ask her what would they apply.
Other advice and discussion….see letter or talk to Don.
Don – I’ll go ahead and make a meeting with Jenkins. Monday afternoon or something. We can ask about how to do the Variances, the Special Exception etc.
Other issue:
Elections next month: We have elections next Month for the next year.
Greg Whitesell – Nominate self for Secretary
Carrie Zambrana – self for Treasurer
Don Dundar – Self for President
Joe Fyanes – Nominated for Vice President by Greg Whitesell
The standing leadership has all been nominated….we need a vote next month, anyone else who would like to run can nominate self or other before then via email, phone, note or on the floor at the meeting.
If you are not going to be at the meeting we need your vote in proxy so that we have a quorum.
Next meeting scheduled for at 7pm June 11 (possibly at Joe and Anita’s house – per Don)
Motion to Adjourn
Second – JZ
Meeting over 7:52 PM.