Letter to Homeowners – 4/22/2009


April 22, 2009

Dear Rhode Harbor Home Owner,



It is my pleasure to formally announce the creation of The Rhode Harbor Homeowner’s Association.


Now that the neighborhood is completely developed and the original landowners and neighborhood developers Joan and Earl Young have turned over the reigns of management to us as a community, it is time to properly finalize the transaction. By forming the homeowners association, we will be legally recognized by Anne Arundel County and given rights to access and manage common areas of our neighborhood.


As many have voiced their opinions regarding the extent to which the homeowner’s association will be able to set mandates on individual property owners within the community, let it be said that the primary purpose of The Rhode Harbor Homeowner’s Association’s will be to establish a legal entity which will enable us to access, maintain, and improve our shared waterfront area and pier.


Though it is a common goal for all of us within the community to keep any homeowner’s fees to an extreme minimum, we all need to understand that certain legal fees, required insurance, property taxes and utilities must be paid through the homeowner’s association. Furthermore, as maintenance and improvements are made to the common property, the homeowner’s association will accrue additional expenditures. It will be necessary for the burden of costs to be shared equally by each landowner, regardless of actual or intended use.


Association funds will be supported through mandatory annual dues and elective slip fees.


There is a meeting scheduled for Sunday, May 17, 2009 at 3pm where we can all sit down and discuss ideas and get to know each other as a community. As it is important to confirm that all homeowners receive this letter and are given the opportunity to attend this meeting, PLEASE RETURN THE ENCLOSED RSVP/CONFIRMATION CARD.


Also, if you have any questions or concerns, please voice them either by letter or email before Sunday, May 10, 2009. This will give us adequate time to seek out answers in advance of the meeting.


Thank you in advance for your cooperation and support in establishing The Rhode Harbor Homeowner’s Association and for helping us to move forward as a community.





Joe Zambrana


Joe Zambrana – President

Rhode Harbor Homeowner’s Association

3912 Rhode Harbor Road

Edgewater, Md. 21037

(443) 607-8166

Email: RhodeHarbor@Comcast.net

Website: http://Home.Comcast.net/~RhodeHarbor

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