Letter to Homeowners – 5/22/2009

May 22, 2009


Dear Rhode Harbor Home Owner,



We are pleased to report that we had a very productive meeting on Sunday May 17 with 18 neighbors in attendance. During that meeting, we discussed the creation of the Rhode Harbor Home Owner’s Association and the election of new officers. Abbreviated minutes can be viewed on the website athttp://home.comcast.net/~rhodeharbor.




Among the most significant resolutions that was made at the meeting was to hold floor nominations and elections of new officers at our next meeting.. The term length of those holding office will also be decided. This meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 23, 2009, at 7pm at the home of Don and Rita Dunbar, 3917 Rhode Harbor Road, Edgewater, Md. 21037.




If you cannot make the meeting to put your name forward as a nominee or to cast your vote in support of others, please do so in writing at, or in advance of the meeting. You can just mail in your signed proxy in hardcopy or have someone else bring it to the meeting for you.






Joe Zambrana


Joe Zambrana – President

Don Dunbar – Vice President

Carrie Zambrana – Treasurer

Greg Whitesell – Acting Secretary


Rhode Harbor Homeowner’s Association

3912 Rhode Harbor Road

Edgewater, Md. 21037

(443) 607-8166

Email: RhodeHarbor@Comcast.net

Website: http://Home.Comcast.net/~RhodeHarbor

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